Baby Blue Eyes!

Baby Blue Eyes!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Our wonderful turkey day!!!

So for Thanksgiving day we went to my grandmas house to eat! I ate until I thought that I was literally going to burst! After dinner we all went outside and ventured around with the baby, shot Scott's mussel loader and just goofed around!! Sky had so much fun chasing the ducks and chickens, playing on and in the haystack, jumping in the leaves and being around our family!! My daughter is SOO BRAVE!!! She climbed up a six foot haystack with her cousin Nicole and slid down all by herself!! AHHH dare devil!!! After it was too cold to play outside, Bryan and I went to have dinner with his family! Its always nice to surround yourself with wonderful friends and family! Sunday we are doing it all over again except at my moms house!! I can't wait!!!

We had to dump the ducks swimming pool because Sky was so adament to chase the ducks! It was really funny to watch!