Baby Blue Eyes!

Baby Blue Eyes!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My lil Princess!!

To be honest, :) when I think back to when I was pregnant, I really really REALLY wanted a little boy! I was actually devastated when I found out that she was a girl. LMAO! Its really funny to me now to think back on how sad I was then because EVERYTHING happens for a reason!!
My daughter is the best thing that has ever happened to me!
She is the biggest tomboy already! I LOVE IT... Everything is balls, climbing, cars, tools, taking things apart and putting them back together (well attemting to anyway lol). She is daring and spontaneous, and very hard headed; (no clue where that came from :) ) Yet, I still get to dress her up all cute and put cute little flowers in her hair!! aww... She truly is the best thing that has ever happened to me!!!
I know these are old pics, I'm having new ones done soon!

We had to dump the ducks swimming pool because Sky was so adament to chase the ducks! It was really funny to watch!